Link Building in Magento Store SEO

Link building is the key for an effective SEO campaign. It provides fast and long term traffic to your sites. Both inbound links and outbound links play important roles in improving the Search Engine result rankings of a website. In addition to this the other components of SEO like good, updated content technically sound website design and other marketing strategies do play equally important roles. But link building is the vital component which declares your presence or the presence of your website to the others.

Role of Links in Searching Contents

The primary role of a search engine is to search for the content that users want. Links act as pointers to the appropriate website where the required content or info can be found. This is the goal of the link building activity.

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Tasks of Link Building Activity

Acquiring good quality inbound links

One can get good inbound links by persistent efforts and patient hard work. By inbound links, one should target the coveted, high quality, most sought after websites and not any run of the mill websites.

Submitting links to popular and high ranking websites

This helps in establishing outbound links in all leading websites. If links are exchanged with websites which do not have even the most distant relation to your website in content, products, or services, then you run the chance of being imposed hefty penalties like downgrading of your website, losing of your page ranking etc.

The general SEO concepts, especially those relating to Link building, apply equally to the Magento SEO. Quality link building and establishing mutually rewarding relationships with peer websites are the very essence of good Page Rank and successful Search Engine Optimization.

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Link Building Strategies

These are just a few of the things you will need to look out for in a quality link building.

How to make a quality link building?

Good and high quality link building can be achieved by following the below given strategies.

Build your brand. Your website should be your brand ambassador.

Creation of high quality content.

Submit your content for review by experts, product reviewers and such others.

Publish their views and opinions.

Continuously submit expert articles to reputed article directories.

Build Blogs in your website. Often user generated content through blogs, create back links to your website.

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Use social websites such as Twitter, FaceBook etc.

Frequently update and modernize the content in your website.

Submit links to reputed websites and go in for link exchange with such websites.

Use only expert, fully authenticated content in your website.

Always publish newsletters and events related to your website activities.

What are the mistakes to be avoided while link building?

Never build or exchange links with unrelated websites.

Never go for a sudden inexplicable spurt in your inbound links by indiscriminate link building.

Never use hidden links in your web pages.

Never build outbound links with websites with a bad reputation or spam sites.

Never use plagiarized or copied content in your website.

Never tie-up with link-building websites of ill repute such as link farms.

Never include links that are directly or indirectly connected to porn stuff, gambling and such unethical activities.

By adhering to accepted ethical practices and following a strict moral line, your website can gain link popularity and tremendously increase SEO, without resorting to any of the short cut methods to improve page rank.


In Magento SEO, link building assumes huge importance. Since marketing and sales of services and products are involved, building link popularity and healthy relationship with different Magento or other ecommerce stores, are vital for successful SEO. Targeted link building provides fast and long term traffic to your sites. A Professional Magento SEO services (India) company would never fail to follow these tips.

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